Elgin, Ill. August 22 1925
Jones, Bro. Emanuel H., of Fairfax, Va., died April 24, 1925 of acute indigestion. He was born in Augusta County;. Va.. April I5, 1853, and came to Fairfax In 1874. He married Miss Ella S. Brooks in 1877. There were seven children who survive with nine grandchildren. He was a charter member of the Fairfax congregation and served as a trustee until his death. He loved the church of his choice and the brethren. His last days were almost wholly spent in visiting the sick and distributing to the needy. He believed most explicitly in the Word of God and in prayer. Since the death of his wife Aug. 21, 1924, he lived mostly alone at his old home. He was a regular attendant at Sunday school and church, a great reader of the Bible. He died as he lived by his Bible, being found by his son only a few minutes before death with his Bible open at the book of James. Funeral services in the Oakton church by the writer. Interment in the Flint Hill Cemetary near the church.
-E. E. Neff, Fairfax, Va.
Mr. Emanual Jones, one of the leading Aborculturalists and farmers of this section of Fairfax County, and a universally popular gentleman was stricken with acute indigestion early Friday morning, at his home near Fair-fax Station and died in a few hours. Funeral services were held at the Oakton Church of the Brethren, and he was laid to rest in Flint Hill Cemetery.